I am convinced the wisest thing the President’s done since this crisis started, was deferring management to individual states. In fact I’m so convinced I can easily say it’s the wisest political decision of my lifetime.
Read MoreCOVID Day 74: Free State Walleye
Plotting my strategy to escape the lockdown state of New Mexico and journey through communist controlled Colorado to go walleye fishing in the free state of South Dakota.
Read MoreCOVID Day 72: Cuomo Concedes I’ve Been Right
For other COVID posts, visit my Quarantine blog. Governor Andrew Cuomo made a rare confession yesterday by admitting, “We all failed.” He was referring to the fact that he, like most politicians, relied on academic models that have consistently failed to properly predict anything during …
Read MoreCroissant – French Style
Here is a recipe for traditional French croissants. Before you begin, know that it takes three days start to finish and requires a lot of butter. If you worry butter is unhealthy, which it’s not, don’t try this recipe. If you’re in a hurry, this …
Read MoreCOVID Casual
“Unfreaking believable,” Tara mutters from under the mask she special ordered just for this clandestine rendezvous. Her nervous fidgeting ramps up with the random temperament of anyone pushed to the edge of anxiety by isolation.
Read MoreCOVID Day 71: COVID Casual
“Unfreaking believable,” Tara mutters from under the mask she special ordered just for this clandestine rendezvous. Her nervous fidgeting ramps up with the random temperament of anyone pushed to the edge of anxiety by isolation.
Read MoreCOVID Day 70: Tracking on Target
The COVID death rate is at it’s lowest 7 day average since the apex. My model continues tracking on target, while academic models continue to be orders of magnitude off.
Read MoreCOVID Day 69: Die While I’m Living or Live While I’m Dead?
An analysis into why fewer Americans are dying this year than predicted and why we need to assume some risk in our lives.
Read MoreCOVID Day 68: More Absurdity From the Acutely Unqualified
Throughout this COVID crisis federal and state governments, along with media cohorts seeking to portray a preconceived narrative, rely on academic models that have been 100% wrong, 100% of the time.
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