A collection of novels, nonfiction books, short stories, and essays: some are complete works, others selected pieces of a larger projects, while others are works in progress.


A conversation between two people with nothing in common other than the bench they share in the quiet part of a park. Kyle’s an older man trying to make sense of his on-again off-again love affair with Nadia spanning more than twenty-five years. Isabelle’s recent divorce has damaged her in ways she doesn’t even fully realize. She recently met Henry, which brings forward latent fears and trepidations. When Kyle and Isabelle talk, they seem to be having two separate conversations that eventually weave into one. Each chapter is written as a standalone short story but taken as a whole, follows a journey through the difficult landscapes of life and love.

From The Novel: Unsustainable Life

A hard living Chicago bartender is thrust into a self-sustaining life when he inherits his uncle’s ranch in the Northern New Mexico wilderness, a ranch whose history is a microcosm for everything noble and evil about humanity.


A book too controversial to publish: A nonfiction exploration into how simple science can be used to validate or debunk complex government and media propaganda. Deemed too controversial for publication, but necessary for a free for an open democracy to survive……may be posted latter.


A nonfiction narrative of how capabilities and resources at the Los Alamos National Laboratory are used to keep America, and it’s citizens, safe from a constant barrage of menacing threats and vulnerabilities. Hardback release planned for Fall, 2022. Banned by the government prior to publication.

Outline – Thesis statements for each chapter in the book

From The Trilogy: WHAT IS TO BE DONE


In the aftermath of chaos following the release of a human engineered virus, a group of gifted scientists realizing something must be done, devise an ingenious plan to correct the listing vessel of democracy – that is until fate intercedes in the form of Sympatico who’s escaping Miguel, a human trafficking sociopath.

Book Two from The Trilogy: WHAT IS TO BE DONE

Trophic Cascade – The Rise and Fall of Quiet Acquiescence

What if there’s more to love than not being able to bear the thought of being without someone, wanting nothing more than to see them happy, and never wanting to leave their side? What if this thing called love is not even romantic, is not a form of friendship, and is not the love one feels for family? Is it even love, and if not, what is it? This is the question Jake and Sympatico must sort out, while their cohorts in the American’s for a New America (ANA) group, set out to bring down a powerful human trafficking ring and allude capture by Alvarez, – the government Watcher sent to hunt them down.

Book Three from the Trilogy: WHAT IS TO BE DONE

Rainmakers of Revolution

The country’s crumbling, with freedom and submission staked out on opposite sides of the same tarnished coin. Political pettiness couples with corruption to complement the feckless incompetence of leaders who lack the integrity to resign after inconceivable failures. Meanwhile, the single thread laid bare for anyone curious enough to notice, is that the oligarchs in charge continue to stealthily proceed as planned. So, it falls on a ragtag crew of former government scientist to become the rainmakers of revolution, the last hope for a faltering nation.


While complying with COVID caused changes, a saleswoman with underlying conditions meets a furloughed Chef refusing to acquiesce to the new normal.

  • Coffee Kiosk – Random encounter at the home improvement center
  • Rendezvous – Marcos prepares a parking lot picnic
Short Stories
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