To start with, let’s agree to avoid the whole Yams versus Sweet potato debate and stipulate that you can use both for this recipe. So, a souffle is a baked, egg-based dish that requires a small amount of precision and lots of luck, which can …
Read MoreQuick Irish Soda Bread
As I travel the world going from one adventure to the next, the thing I most enjoy is visiting local bakeries to sample bread. An interesting phenomena I observed is that local breads in other countries taste different than the same bread made from a …
Read MoreFrench Lasagna – white sauce and spinach
This is a mostly French lasagna, but I’ve made so many tweaks to the recipe I’m not sure the French would claim it any more. It has a white sauce base with mushrooms and spinach as well as an optional protein, such as Italian sausage. …
Read MoreRicotta Cheese from Milk
Classic ricotta cheese is made from a combination of Whey and Milk (see Traditional Ricotta recipe), but the challenge is finding whey. One way, and excuse the pun, is to make whey, which is a by-product of making cheese; you see the circular irony right? …
Read MoreDon’t Look Out Your Window
R.M. Dolin, November 12, 2023 Don’t look out your windowto watch the world on fire.Don’t invest a second understanding what it means to besomeone else. Don’t act as if you care, don’t talk as if you have solutions.Not when you refuseto look out your widow …
Read MorePoems, Prayers, and Promises
R.M. Dolin, November 10, 2023 Darkness stealthy encroaches on tentative whispers whose deafening silence foreshadows the extent to which this night, like endless nights before, and more demonic ones to come, will not end well. Rockets rain down in a centuries-old tradition as mothers sooth …
Read MoreSacrifices to Achieve Objectives – The End Doesn’t Necessarily Justify the Means
November 11, 2023 As a twenty-year-old reserve officer training to become an Army Ranger, I was instructed during a joint exercise in the Black Hills of South Dakota to lead a squad of soldiers on a mission behind enemy lines. In the scenario, the regular …
Read MoreCries of the Innocent
R.M. Dolin, November 8th, 2023 Oligarchs and megalomaniacs, the world at war on the whims of a few. Leaders shrouded in virtue as they shield themselves in others, deaf to the cries of the innocent. Planets spin on a predictable axis, as do politicians and …
Read MoreLong Day’s Journey into Night
R.M. Dolin, April 18, 2023 God damn I’m tired, tired and alone…tired of being alone. “Cut the bullshit,” I scream to the wilderness of my soul, but only the waspy whisper of Coyote calls back; empty echoes of all the shit I strive to outrun …
Read MoreShe Is Wind
R.M. Dolin, November 7, 2023 Trudging stoically toward the barren late day field,November wind rips through my well-worn clothes, burning my face and numbing my fingers. The distant horizon falsely holds a promise of warmth wrapped in a lie that’s become so necessary. She is …
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