Coronaviruses are respiratory but 40% of COVID deaths have been vascular, which is why I remain convinced COVID-19 was man-made by the Chinese to maximize criticality.
Read MoreCOVID Day 79: In Search of the Illusive Boogeyman
Just as the COVID crisis winds down and rioters seek to bump the pandemic off headlines, along comes a new coronavirus boogeyman sure to make us quake in fear. This new boogeyman is so frightening it might even get governors to kindly ask rioters to suspend looting long enough to please put facemasks back on so they don’t catch COVID while burning down churches.
Read MoreCOVID Day 76: The Malicious Malfeasance of MDs
Applying the medical profession’s logic for counting COVID deaths to conclude the coronavirus saves lives.
Read MoreCOVID Day 61: Crisis of Confidence
For other COVID posts, visit my Quarantine blog. It seems suspiciously odd that based on CDC data we’d see a steep but consistently steady decline in the exponential decay rate in COVID deaths since the apex on April 16th (red curve), only to see it …
Read MoreQuarantine Day 34: Deduction versus Induction
Logically, Facui, Brix, and the University of Washington either knowingly lied or are grossly incompetent.
Read MoreQuarantine Day 33: How Do You Choose to Live Your One Precious Life?
We take risks everyday, but what are the risks of dying from COIVD versus other risks we readily accept?
Read MoreQuarantine Day 31: What Would Actuaries Say?
To see more Quarantine posts, visit my quarantine page There’s an old joke that engineers are accountants who lack social skills, but where then, does that leave actuaries who are somewhere between smart-witted accountants and savoir faire engineers? Actuarial Science deals with evaluating risks and …
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