Six Word Short Stories

A collection of short stories by R.M. Dolin from 2024

It’s said novelist are people who can’t write short stories and short story writers are people who can’t write poems. Hemingway invented the six word short story genre and quite possibly created the perfect entry when he wrote, “For sale. Baby shoes. Never used.” It really is a complete short story in six words evoking grand imaginary. Here’s a collection of my humble offerings to this simple yet fascinating genre.

You’re hesitant. I’m uncertain. Love’s lost.

Cold winter night. Truck on empty.

Turn here. Drive past that house.

A chocolate box waits for you.

She waits in thunder’s silent storm.

I laugh at magic, then disappear.

Your willful silence. My absent answer.

To understand you, I become you.

I don’t need you! Damn it.

Yes go. No. Please not again.

Secret love. Ageless passion. Fleeting moment.

How could I not love you?

Imagine darkness. Moonlight glistening barrel. Scream.

Only words on bomb; call 911.

The bomb read, opens on delivery.

USA 15 kilometers. Water 156 pesos.

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