Legend of How Canadian Truckers Killed COVID

All totalitarian regimes share one thing in common, they fear the wrath of the masses they have mistreated. When a handful of Berkeley college students stood up in the late 1960s and said “No,” to the war in Vietnam, they fundamentally altered American culture and foreign policy. We see the same thing happening now with a small band of courageous Canadian truckers.

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Emmett’s Fix-It Shop: It’s Time to Wake the Woke

It is no longer moral for environmentalist to consume smart technology without acknowledging their complicity in the human suffering and the harmful degradation of mother earth they cause. It is no longer ethical to believe that owning a Prius or Tesla is a symbol of your commitment to saving the planet. It is no longer righteous to pretend you are not responsible for China’s exploitation of slave labor and their toxic pollution of the planet. It is no longer possible to hide behind your hypocrisy as mother earth continues to moan and cry out for healing solutions. It is no longer permissible to turn a blind eye to the devastation you cause. It is time to wake the woke.

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Missile Crisis 2.0

Most Americans incorrectly assume that the The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, started when the Soviet Union (i.e, Russia) attempted to place nuclear weapons in Cuba. While that is perhaps the short answer to a very complex problem from an American perspective, what triggered the Russian aggression was the United States deploying nuclear missiles in Turkey and Italy, that were within striking distance of the Soviet Union.

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Why Nations Wage War

By signalling to Russia that its okay to invade Ukraine, Brandon gets a twofer, he can punish the people of Ukraine for daring to turn off the flow of his precious payola, while working a deal with Putin, a sociopathic killer, to save his presidency – and anyone who’s looked at the polls knows , his presidency is in the crapper.

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Ruben Sandwich

The Ruben sandwich is said to have been invited by Reuben Kulakofsky, a Lithuanian grocer from Omaha, Nebraska for his weekly poker game – although New Yorker’s, who think the sun rises and falls around them, claim it was invented at Ruben’s Delicatessen in New York. You decide, but most New Yorker’s think they invented pizza and the world’s best hotdog . . . when everyone knows the world’s best hotdog is a Chicago style dog.

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