Chapter 10 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read companion poem Sympatico didn’t think much about the delivery truck as it dropped off a used range and refrigerator yesterday. The driver and his assistant brought the appliances inside and connected them, trying nonstop to chat …
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Companion poem for chapter 9 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read chapter Predators move in predictable patterns leading you to believe in your struggle to survive,everything happens for a purposecausing you to foolishly assume in the endit somehow always works out.The balance we strive …
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Chapter 9 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read companion poem Sympatico’s second day at the halfway house is a whole lot easier, in part because she knows what to expect, is more comfortable being away from home, and because Padre’s been here the entire …
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Companion poem for chapter 8 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read original poem, Read chapter Chance wanders west hoping to simplify and find distance. It’s a difficult and desperate journey to right now, fraught with fear, uncertainty, and a need to find balance between …
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Chapter 8 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read companion poem When Chance left Wyoming, it was in a hurry, his life irreversibly altered. That it happened in a snowstorm only complicates matters and compounds the toll. His rapid departure from the high mountain town …
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Companion poem for chapter 7 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read chapter Darkness is never really intended to bepart of our design but without it,how can we ever hopeto appreciate light.Evil lurks in all men’s soulsand keeping it corralled is our apex struggle.With convincing …
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Chapter 7 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read companion poem Miguel remains at his safe house for days after the incident with the dead Texan, mostly to firm up his alibi, but also to do some needed retraining on his remaining staff. The nice …
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Companion poem for chapter 6 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read companion poem, read chapter We all have emotions attached to sounds and images. An unexpected song, a forgotten photo, a voice we haven’t heard in years. Memories waiting to be touched. Love is …
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Chapter 6 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read companion poem Jake and Armando know they need to be careful, Padre’s discerning grin and eerie propensity to know way more about everything going on in the valley than anyone should, causes them to over-censor anything …
Read MoreSimply Safe
Chapter 5 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read companion poem In a pattern that’s quickly becoming routine, Quando trots into Jake’s room an hour after sunup, stops at the side of the bed, leans in with a grin that looks like a laugh, and …
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