This potato based Italian dish is easy to make, but does require work, like all Italian dishes. Schiacciata in Italian means flattened and since this is technically a bread, we can deduce that it’s a flattened bread. In Italy it’s generally served as a starter …
Read MoreRoubaix Challenge
R.M. Dolin, December 4, 2023 Snow’s mostly melted, at least enough to get my bikeback on the road. The steady sun’swelcoming in the way tired bones yearnto relive times when suffering seemedso essential. Belgium lies beyondthe unseen edge ofmy mountainous horizon even as Roubaix’s“Hell of …
Read MoreItalian Lemon Ricotta Cake
This recipe will make 12 reasonable servings but what the hell right, if we’re going to be decadent, why limit ourselves to serving size. The calculus of cuisine is anything that can be eaten can be worked off later, it may be years later, but …
Read MoreAir Fried Roasted Vegetables
While oven roasted vegetables are preferred, the process is a bit messy, heats the kitchen, and takes most of an hour to finish; along with having an oily baking tray that needs to be cleaned. This air-fried version is just as good and finishes in …
Read MoreCubed Chicken Sauteed in Red Chile Spice
This spicy chicken recipe stands on its own as an entree but also makes an amazing base for chicken tacos. Sometimes I saute this as patties and other times as loose pieces, so you have options. My preferred entree method is to saute the chicken …
Read MoreWhere You Are
R.M. Dolin, December 1, 2023 The air I breathe no longer moves, frozen by the very same sky creatingrings around the full moon castinglost shadows on still falling snow with a claritythat causes me to remember the way your eyes reveala faraway light of forever, …
Read MoreCorn Bread Casserole
Whether as a main dish or a side, this simple dish plays well at the campsite or elegant dinner party. While I prefer to make my cornbread from scratch, you can also substitute two boxes of Jiffy corn bread mix, if that’s how you roll. …
Read MoreHomemade Cornbread
Yes you can just buy a couple boxes of Jiffy cornbread mix for a buck, do you really want stale grains and chemicals when you can make it from scratch using fresh chemical free ingredients….your call. The secret to making fluffy cornbread, like making fluffy …
Read MoreBasic Turkey/Chicken Brine
There are many reason you’d want to brine your fowl, foremost is taste and texture of the finished bird and second, it seasons the meat throughout and not just on the surface as rubs do, and it renders a dark crispy skin when cooked. It’s …
Read MoreSweet Potato Souffle
To start with, let’s agree to avoid the whole Yams versus Sweet potato debate and stipulate that you can use both for this recipe. So, a souffle is a baked, egg-based dish that requires a small amount of precision and lots of luck, which can …
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