Poem from chapter 11 of the R.M. Dolin novel, "The Dangling Conversation."
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Rain clouds the sky
more than this moment
can wash mist
off memories too tender
to ever again be touched.
Your lifeless eyes hold a truth
I no longer deny,
devoid of sadness
and regret while hiding
sorrow’s last look at love,
lost to the shadowed whispers of goodbye.
You’re every dream I dare to dream,
every emotion necessary
for endless joy if we just get past
those final words.
One last look into a world
that should have been
before stepping back out
into rain coming hard and uneven
against lonely boulevards
of cold indifference,
as if the last look at love
can end any other way.
Background poem for the novel, “The Dangling Conversation.” Kyle’s in crisis as he looks one last time at Olivia while saying goodbye. Dedicated to a friend who lost her mom to suicide. April 24, 2024