Don’t Look Out Your Window

R.M. Dolin, November 12, 2023

Don't look out your window
to watch the world on fire.
Don't invest a second 
Understanding what it means to be
 someone else. Don't act as if you care, 
don't talk as if you have solutions.
Not when you refuse
to look out your widow 
to see the world on fire and understand 
the suffering of those just trying to survive.

Note: Written in response to a darkening trend I first observed during COVID that has expanded during the student protests against atrocities in Gaza. The concern is how diabolical Politicians and a compliant media attack and denigrate anyone daring to question or speak in opposition to state-sanctioned messaging, thereby suppressing free-speech and freedom of both thought and expression. And the real concerning aspect of this trend is how easily people blindly go along with the messaging….

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