Crepe Filling – Fresh Fruit

This recipe is for a fresh fruit cream filling you can use for your dessert crepes. In general, this will be for four crepes, or two servings so adjust accordingly. If you use this filling in hot crepes, serve immediately as the cream sauce will melt. For similar reasons, I do not mix the fruit with the whipped cream but you can.


  • 1 cup Fresh fruit – strawberries with bananas is a good option
  • 120 g Heavy cream
  • 10 g Powdered Sugar to mix with cream
  • 60 g Cream Cheese – softened
  • 20 g Powdered Sugar – to mix with cheese
  • 2 g Vanilla extract


  1. Mise en Place – Measure and prepare your ingredients prior to starting.
  2. Mix cream cheese with powdered sugar until smooth.
  3. Whip vanilla extract, powdered sugar and heavy cream until stiff.
  4. Fold whipped cream into cream cheese mix and put in fridge until ready to serve.
  5. Prepare fruit – slice, dice, or whatever you do to make it ready. Retain any fruit juices.
  6. Make Crepe
    1. Lay crepe flat and spread whipped cream mix over surface.
    2. Dot with fruit and either fold over or roll up like a burrito.
    3. Garnish the top with more whipped cream and fruit.
    4. Spoon fruit juice over top and serve.

Note 1: While you can use frozen fruit, why? It doesn’t taste as good nor does it present well and who knows what kind of chemical crap they put in the fruit bag.

Note 2: In a bind you can use jam or preserves as a fruit substitute, but don’t you pie filling – tried it once, too sweet and the taste/consistency was off.

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