Canape Bread

Canape’s are kind of appetizer that uses specialty shaped slices of bread (like star-shaped slices) as a base with things like meats or spreads on top. Canape bread is usually baked in a molded tube, so you wind up with a long tube of the specialty shape that you slice.


  • 4 cups Bread flour
  • 8 oz Milk – warm
  • 0.5 cups Water – warm (or more as needed)
  • 2 TBL Butter
  • 2.25 tsp dry Yeast – 1 package (in general)
  • 1.25 tsp Kosher salt
  • 1 tsp Sugar


  1. Mise en Place: Measure and prepare your ingredients prior to starting.
  2. Pitch Yeast
    • Warm milk and add sugar and butter.
    • Sprinkle yeast on top and let sit for 10 mins.
  3. Stir salt in flour in stand mixer bowl (speed 1).
  4. Add fermented milk and stir for 4 mins. Add water is dough if not smooth and moist.
  5. Knead dough at speed 4 for 4 mins.
  6. Transfer dough to greased bowl and flip.
  7. Cover bowl with film and let rise 1 hr, until dough doubles.
  8. Preheat oven to 400 F or 375 fan.
  9. Divide dough into logs (rolls) 3 inches shorter than the Canape tubes.
  10. Cap tubes and bake 1 hr at 400F.
  11. Cool tubes completely before attempting to remove bread.
  12. Slice into 1/4″ disk to make your Canapes.
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