Could it be argued that both lockdown and free state governors are acting on the will of their citizens?
Read MoreCOVID Day 66: Townies versus Tourists
What’s going to happen on Memorial Day weekend when city folks flock to small beachfront towns where they’re not welcome?
Read MoreCOVID Day 65: Let Them Eat Cake
For other COVID posts, visit my Quarantine blog. One of the most widely known quotes in history is, “Let Them Eat Cake,” which Marie-Antoinette allegedly uttered in 1789, when informed the starving people of France had no bread. As callous as this cold statement is, …
Read MoreCOVID Day 64: Data Is As Data Does
For other COVID posts, visit my Quarantine blog. Yesterday was a bizarre day for me. I started out planning to write a one paragraph piece on the Colorado governor admitting the CDC overcounted COVID deaths in his state by 24%, and then move on to …
Read MoreCOVID Day 63: Cooking the Books
I have been providing evidence for weeks that the CDC is sensationalizing the COVID death data. Today, the governor of Colorado confirms that the CDC is in fact overcounting COVID deaths in his state. Colorado lowered it’s COVID death count from 1,150 to 878 acknowledging …
Read MoreCOVID Day 62: Warp Speed – Resistance is Futile
For other COVID posts, visit my Quarantine blog. I’ve been trying to figure out how our COVID crisis ends given that the virus will be with us forever, like all viruses, and no one’s willing to discuss what an acceptable death rate should be even …
Read MoreCOVID Day 61: Crisis of Confidence
For other COVID posts, visit my Quarantine blog. It seems suspiciously odd that based on CDC data we’d see a steep but consistently steady decline in the exponential decay rate in COVID deaths since the apex on April 16th (red curve), only to see it …
Read MoreCOVID Day 60: The Languishing Lack of Something To Look Forward To
I’ve started to think about all that’s happened since this crisis began, the long slide from panic to complacency. From concern by politicians for our health to outlandish disregard for our civil liberties. I found myself plotting acts of civil disobedience that would stop just short of outright subversion.
Read MoreCOVID Day 59: Fauci’s Fallacy
To see other COVID posts, visit my Quarantine blog. The three colored curves in the above plot are each defined with different mathematical expressions that collectively represent my COVID model. The blue curve is defined using a single exponential function whose area matches the number …
Read MoreCOVID Day 58: Opium of the People
Karl Marx believed that religion was harmful because it distracted people from class struggle and revolution. Enter now the Democratic governor of Illinois, J. B. Pritzker –
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