No one can say for certain where a waterfall begins or when the consequences of revolution first cascade toward change. Even so, anyone paying attention knows government’s lie to their people. And in their lies we find seldom spoken truths no matter how hidden or …
Read MoreDeath is an Illusion
It’s so hard having escaped the dealer of darkness only to be back in his hold. Death is an illusion, a poem of perfect pretend. The longing to be unafraid. To step one last time beyond the numbness that’s become normal. But even that requires …
Read MorePrelude to a Touch
Through the window of darkness where my soul no longer can be found. This is where you’ll find, my prelude to a touch. R. M. Dolin, 2015
Read MoreMadness of Memories
The madness of May pushes against my soul with the same veracity Santa Annas press the past into a pretext for right now. And in the aftermath of madness, memories we simultaneously treasure and forge to forget, cascade forward in a recurring sense something ominous …
Read MoreDecoding Demons
In the absence of clairvoyance we gamble through decisions with as much insight as a miner underground when the lights go out. Only then can we comprehend what it means to be lost in the void. Lost to the numbing weight of life as it …
Read MoreThe Ancients
There are always those who came before. Surviving at least until what happens next. Tomorrow’s destiny determines today provided you permit your soul to listen with the wisdom of the ancients. We seek solid footing in a world of unstoppable momentum. Attempting to overcome memories …
Read MorePrelude to a Touch
Prelude to a Touch I look through the windowof darkness to a soulI no longer see.My prelude to a touch. R. M. Dolin, 2015
Read MorePassions of a Padre
The passions of a Padre, just as with any man, can scream as loud for justice as those laid quiet by bullets and people too preoccupied to participate. There are always those who act in defiance, welcoming the chance to stand up even as the …
Read MoreQuarantine Day 32: Follow the Money
To see more Quarantine posts, visit my quarantine page With shock and amazement, the mainstream media seems to have awoken to the three fundamental truths of this COIVD crisis we have been reporting on for weeks The Virus is manmade There is widespread overcounting of …
Read MoreQuarantine Day 31: What Would Actuaries Say?
To see more Quarantine posts, visit my quarantine page There’s an old joke that engineers are accountants who lack social skills, but where then, does that leave actuaries who are somewhere between smart-witted accountants and savoir faire engineers? Actuarial Science deals with evaluating risks and …
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