The Logic of the Logically Irrational

I listened with a bizarre mixture of despair, disbelief, and disillusionment as President Biden, along side his most trusted confidant, Anthony Facui, laid out their assertion that the Omicron strain of COVID will kill us all by spring. To be precise, Biden didn’t say we’d all be dead by spring, just those of us who won’t get the COVID boaster. However, if you follow the logic that’s been promoted throughout this political pandemic, COVID is coming for us all.

According to Biden, the Omicron strain of COVID is defying all known laws of virology – FYI, that’s science to all you “follow the science” folks. Also according to Biden, and his menacing minion, COVID is the first anti-attenuating virus in the history of viruses, which means it’s the first virus in recorded history to get stronger and more deadly with each mutation.

President Biden claims your only hope of surviving until spring, is to take the jab, but here’s where the logic of the illogical veers off the rails. The drug big Pharama is making trillions from in injections, I mean is providing as a benevolent modern medical miracle, was developed pre-Delta and pre-Omicron, which means it’s twice removed from two mutations that have politically transformed the common COVID into Super-COVID. We already know big Pharama dropped a goose egg with their modern medical miracle because those who took the jab are still expected to wear Fauci Face-masks and are still getting breakthrough COVID. One reason the vaccine doesn’t work is because it was never a vaccine – as vaccines are something you take once and are protected for life. FYI, that called logic, for you follow-the-science folks, but at least the nonvaccine vaccine provided you comfort, as does wearing a facemask as you drive alone in your car.

We’ve been inundated all year with the media’s positive proof the nonvaccine doesn’t work, and as further evidence of it’s efficacy, just query a Democrat politician or profit motivated medical professional. According to Biden’s political logic, because the COVID virus is getting stronger and more deadly with each mutation, something that has never happened in the history of viruses, we’re all dead by spring. The unboasted are dead because they disobeyed orders and refused the DNA altering injection of the nonvaccine vaccine. The boasted are dead because the anti-attenuating Super-virus is now two mutations removed from what the nonvaccine vaccine couldn’t protect in the first place – their logic not mine.

Our only hope now is finding COVID’s kryptonite, which I’m pretty sure is just a phone call to China, and the Big Guy’s overlords, away. I wish all of you well as you face the existential demise of humanity because according to Biden, all you can logically do at this point is put your head between you legs and kiss your sweet ass good-bye. . .

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