Companion poem for chapter 20 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “What Is to Be Done”Read other companion poem, read chapter You are my angle,taking your share of me,from me,in deep breaths and tender touchesthat are nothing more than memories too treasured to ever be real.Your …
Read MoreAroma of Memories
Chapter 20 in the R.M. Dolin novel, “What Is to Be Done”Read companion poem Einstein postulated that time is not constant, at least not in ways humans discern. According to Al, as we approach the speed of light, time slows down to a more manageable …
Read MoreAroma of Memories
Companion poem for chapter 20 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “What Is to Be Done”Read original poem, read other companion poem, read chapter Memories are an angel’s sharethat can’t be touched,they are real still the same.As is quiet darkness and all those thingsthat should have …
Read MoreBourbon Etiquette
Chapter 19 in the R.M. Dolin novel, “What Is to Be Done”Read companion poem The malting process has barely begun when Theresa collects Jake for his interviews. Reluctant to leave the sanctuary of work, he grabs his stained coffee cup and heads for the tasting …
Read MoreBourbon Etiquette
Companion poem for chapter 19 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “What Is to Be Done”Read chapter Stillness at dawn, like quietness in snow, elevates the soul for things unsettled. Frustrations so deep they can’t be isolated.Those who fear, drink to forget. Those with lossdrink to …
Read MoreMaking Mula
Chapter 18 in the R.M. Dolin novel, “What Is to Be Done”Read companion poem By the time del Sol bursts above the saddle between Truchas Peak and Santa Fe Baldy, Jake’s five miles into his ride along the high road to Taos. Just past the …
Read MoreMaking Mula
Companion poem for chapter 18 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “What Is to Be Done”Read chapter In quiet defiance we standasking wind about the only things that matter,like why breathing for someis a challengebut a joke for others? Why rulers are allowed to make rules …
Read MoreAlternate Ending
Companion poem for chapter 17 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “What Is to Be Done”Read chapter The numbing weight of lifedraws down lingeringlight that once waseverything that mattered.In the darknessall that’s left isthe hope thatalternate endingsare still possible. From the R.M. Dolin novel, “What Is …
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Chapter 17 in the R.M. Dolin novel, “What Is to Be Done”Read companion poem Like every predawn morning for the past three months, Jake awakens somewhere between a memory and a dream; in that surreal purgatory, short of here and not really there. Saturday night’s …
Read MoreEnemy At the Gate
Chapter 15 in the R.M. Dolin novel, “What Is to Be Done”Read Companion poem Jake snatches his birthday pistol off the table on his way to the large terracotta flowerpot just outside the tasting room entrance where Theresa strategically arranged an assortment of colorful early …
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