Companion poem for chapter 6 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read companion poem, read chapter We all have emotions attached to sounds and images. An unexpected song, a forgotten photo, a voice we haven’t heard in years. Memories waiting to be touched. Love is …
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Chapter 6 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read companion poem Jake and Armando know they need to be careful, Padre’s discerning grin and eerie propensity to know way more about everything going on in the valley than anyone should, causes them to over-censor anything …
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People assume that when a Pole cries while hearing the Hejnal it’s because of some sort of genetic reaction, but that’s not true; it’s because of the song’s ability to conjure profound memories that usually don’t get thought about without significant prodding.
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R.M. Dolin, 2016 We are all preprogramed to attach emotionsto sounds and images. An unexpected song. A forgottenphoto. A voice we haven’t heard in years. All memories waitingto be touched. Love is an instant of clarity followed by a soothingclam emptying the world of everything …
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