The yellow-striped beltway hawk divesand dips in its insatiable drive for prey.From high above and far removedhe hears everything;sees even more. He danceswith diabolical delight atthe very thought of controlling all he can.But unlike the others, this forest mouse isdeceptively strong. With practiced patiencethe trivial …
Read MoreWatchers, Waiters, and a World in Motion
Companion poem for chapter 1 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read companion poem Alvarez arrives at the Albuquerque Sunport with an overhead bag in one hand and a trench coat in the other. He doesn’t plan on staying long, but since New Mexico monsoons …
Read MorePor Favor
Chapter 2 from the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read companion poem Armando and the PhDs are huddled around the Al Azar’s poker table, which has been transformed into a makeshift command center, when Jake, Preston, and Marcos arrive. Dario, who gallantly remained at Jake’s hoping …
Read MoreSuddenness of Entropy
So many nights meld into othersyet, planned outcomes remain elusive.If only Schroedinger’s cat really were in two states, then perhaps,night would come with beaconsfiltered to spotlight the suddenness of entropyand patterns of dust drawing down the rugged road behind,settling in ways that reveal our rush …
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Companion poem for chapter 1 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read original poem, read chapter So many nights, like so many others, can’t produce planned outcomes.If only Schroedinger’s cat really were in two states,then perhaps night could comewith beacons to spotlight our suddenness of …
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Chapter 1 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read companion poem “A man’s been stabbed and a woman’s dead.” Preston repeats with anguished worry, speaking past his dearest friend to the dark consequences that wait on the other side of the courtyard lights. They know …
Read MoreTrophic Cascade Outline
Trophic Cascade – The Rise and Fall of Quiet Acquiescence A Novel by R.M. Dolin Book two in the, WHAT IS TO BE DONE, trilogy, Copyright 2021. 1. The Suddenness of Entropy When Jake learns a man’s been stabbed at Miguel’s ranch, he thinks the …
Read MoreDominic and Denali – A Story of Love and Loss but Not of Lost Love
By the nonstop way Dominic talked up Los Alamos and the national laboratory where he won a coveted Post Doc position, Denali envisioned some sort of undiscovered utopia, and to be fair, for brainiacs Los Alamos probably is Shangri-La. For normal people though, the stark reality is more akin to a social outpost on the dark side of Mars.
Read MoreTrumpeter of Krakow
R.M. Dolin, 2016 We are all preprogramed to attach emotionsto sounds and images. An unexpected song. A forgottenphoto. A voice we haven’t heard in years. All memories waitingto be touched. Love is an instant of clarity followed by a soothingclam emptying the world of everything …
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