Companion poem for chapter 1 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read original poem, read chapter The yellow-striped hawk dives and dips in an insatiable drive for prey. From high above and far removed he hears everything, sees even more. He dances with diabolical delight …
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The yellow-striped beltway hawk divesand dips in its insatiable drive for prey.From high above and far removedhe hears everything;sees even more. He danceswith diabolical delight atthe very thought of controlling all he can.But unlike the others, this forest mouse isdeceptively strong. With practiced patiencethe trivial …
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Companion poem for chapter 1 of the R.M. Dolin novel, “Trophic Cascade”Read companion poem Alvarez arrives at the Albuquerque Sunport with an overhead bag in one hand and a trench coat in the other. He doesn’t plan on staying long, but since New Mexico monsoons …
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