When I write novels and short stories, I use poetry as a means to understand and express the emotions I want to capture in a moment. I also use poetry for character development. Here are the companion poems used to develop my What Is to Be Done trilogy.

Poems from novel one: "What Is to Be Done"

Prelude To a Touch (redux)
Madness of Memories (redux)
Al Azar (redux)
Desperation of Darkness
Death Is an Illusion (redux)
Derivation of Destiny (redux)
Death is an Illusion (redux)
The Monte Hall Paradox
La Marseillaise
Decoding Demons (redux)
Infinite Sympatico (redux)
The Ancients (redux)
In the Land of Mañana
What Happens Next (redux)
Damaged Goods (redux)
Enemy At the Gate
Casualties of Context
Alternate Ending (redux)
Bourbon Etiquette (redux)
Aroma of Memories (redux)
Louie and The Lost Art of Love
Blue Bottle Bourbon
Quiet Desperation (redux)
Imaginary Numbers
Angelica (redux)
Passions of a Padre (redux)
Rendering Verdicts
Dawn of Our Discontent (redux)
Tengo Caricia (redux)
Calculus of Causation

Poems from novel two, "Trophic Cascade - The Rise and Fall of Quiet Acquiesce"

Suddenness of Entropy (redux)
Por Favor (redux)
Watchers, Waiters, and a World in Motion (redux)
Where You're Supposed to Be (redux)
Simply Safe
Trumpeter of Krakow
Diablo's Design
Social Nullification
Trophic Cascade
Diablo's Desperation
Call of the Wild
Where You're Supposed to Be Addendum
Tu Me Manques (You Are Missed)
Fiesta de Albuquerque por la Mañana (redux)
Into the Frying Pan
Secret Police
Necessary First Step
Love and War
In Diablo's Den
Field Ops
Diablo's Demise
In The End There Is Only the End

Poems from novel three, "Rainmakers of Revolution"
La Marseillaise de la Nueva
Fiesta de la Dario
Broken Pieces
The Coming Coup
Letters of Marque and Reprisal
Battle of the Oligarchs
Dominic and Denali
Avatars of AI
Civil Unrest
Follow the Money
We'll Always Have Paris
Something About Sympatico
Twist of Fate
Manzano Mountain
The Order of Protecting Padres
In the Shadow of Simon
Civil War
Plato and the New Republic
A Distiller's Defiance
Happy Hell
In Chaos There is Opportunity
Americans for a New America