R.M. Dolin, January 29, 2024
The always leaving girl is gone, and in her void, an unsettled darkness descends in after-breath whispers that evaporate into contrails of discerning distraction meant to delay inevitable loneliness and returning isolation. I not only mourn the loss of her leaving but lament having to restart improbable tasks, like sleeping through the night and organizing my life in a way that makes some sort of sense.
Background poem for the novel, “The Dangling Conversation.” Kyle accepts Nadia’s really gone while recognizing he’ll never stop loving her.
Goodbye Girl (first version)
The always leaving girl is gone. In my still unsettled darkness, after-breath whispers evaporate into contrails of discerning distraction meant to delay inevitable loneliness and returning isolation. I don’t so much mourn the loss of her leaving as I lament having to restart improbable tasks, like sleeping through the night, or organizing my life in a way that makes some sort of sense. . .this time.