What Wind Wants

I wish the world didn't need men like me
who have done the things I've done,
seen the things I've seen.
Unfortunately, it does and the chaos of current
conflicts cascading across countries
and continents bears that out.
I don't really worry about implications to
me anymore, I've become a spirit of
the unified world in that regard and so,
I worry about the world, and my children
who will be the ones drawn in. I worry about
recovery and if it’s even possible to stave off
all those things that increasingly seem inevitable.

Some say hell has a special place for me,
but I think God gets me because
he made me.

God and I talk a lot about atonement.
He gave me the gifts he did for
a reason. There’s simply no logical exclamation
for how a poor rural cowboy who
finished last in high school before becoming
a plumber could wind up in a position
where the safety and security of the world depends
in part on his talents. And yet, that's the burden he
levied and whenever I call him out on it,
he says to suck it up and deal.

The universe talks to me through Wind.
Maybe it's from my time in Sioux
country, or perhaps it's just my personal connection
to nature. Either way, Wind has a lot to say these days
and none of it good. She's asking for
something, but is so far vague.

I am not sure what Wind wants,
but already feel the burden she intends
to place upon me. . .
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